The Microsoft Asobo S&H ATR-72 initial release is disappointing, too many bugs. This makes me go back to fly the freeware made by Virtualcol/kychungdotcom.

However, after many Simupdates, the Virtualcol/kychungdotcom ATR became a bit strange in the flight dynamics. It tends to rise up dramatically. Here I fix this point and make it more flyable. Nothing else had been changed from the original

[You must have the freeware ATR72 community version from Virtualcol/kychungdotcom in order to install this mod]

Beware, the Virtualcol/kychungdotcom ATR72 does not have engine started in the runway, you gonna adjust the mixture and feather the propeller (The throttle area) and then start the engine (behind the york, lower left), when the engine is started, change the propeller angle to normal and fly. (Or simply Ctrol-E)