1. The control check card is read after the crew performs the necessary operations in accordance with the AFM.
2. If dual brake control is available, the brake action on the right is checked only by the flight instructor.
3. The co-pilot reads the checklist.
4. Before the first flight to the AHR, the sections of the Map “Before starting the engine”, “Before taxiing out” and “At the line start” are completed in full.5. When performing flights on the AHR and training flights in a circle without turning off the engine on the ground, sections of the Map “At the execution start”, paragraphs. 4, 5 and 6 "Pre-landing preparation (when entering the circle or at the transition level)" and "Before landing (on a straight line)".

6. When performing flights on the AHR with the engine turned off on the ground, paragraphs. 6-10 sections of the Card "Before starting the engine", paragraphs. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9 “Before taxiing out”, “At the execution start”, paras. 4, 5 and 6 "Pre-landing preparations (when entering the circle or at the transition level" p. "Before landing (on a straight line)".